New Collection “Rebel Citizen”

“Pin your favorite style”

With an aim to not only to break rules, but also invent new ones, Conquistador introduces the collection “Rebel Citizen”. With a smart lay out twist, courtesy by the talented team of  for the new collection promo, the social media platform and CONQUISTADOR s new motto “Time to get dirty”, connects successfully, fashion creativity & social media, instant accurate information.

It s a new, unique way, to spread the message across for CONQUISTADOR Menswear, along new media and fashion savvy contemporary & informed fashion consumers. From this season onwards CONQUISTADOR will stop showing collections every season, introducing a new “work in progress” attitude, showcasing new designs throughout the year to it s wholesale  & retail customers.

Each “collective”, will be showcased once and new additions, will be added every month, until the concept of Rebel Citizen is complete. When a code or various styles gets in it s pick in orders and worldwide distribution, it will be discontinued and replaced with brand new style(s).

Therefore the retail environment will always be stocked with fresh new merchandise, breaking the mold of pre-collections, prêt-a-porte, accessories collections, flash, resort, pre-fall etc making the consumer aware, to buy casual de luxe apparel, all year long, in competitive smart prices, without ever having to wait, mid season sales or promotional offers in order to shop.

In a strong twist of all things we thought we knew, CONQUISTADOR retail prices are fixed at 168euro for the trousers and 139 Euros for the shirts in unisex sizes from XXS-XXL and 26W-36w catering to the growing need & requests also from our female admirers, to embrace Conquistador Menswear, as their attire along the lines of “Boyfriends Style” apparel, available also in their sizes.

But what is luxury if not exclusive, made from masters of the craft, in limited copies with unique, contemporary, stylish results?

To add spice to the chase, every Conquistador garment is strictly hand made. Each copy of the trousers & shirts, will never be identical to another, making each garment immediately unique & very special to it s owner.

For wholesale and distribution infos, please contact 
Alex Aroni :

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