"Horizons" by Cedar Lake @Joyce Theater NYC May 7-12, 2013
A new dance creation by the acclaimed Lyon based Greek choreographer Andonis Foniadakis entitled "Horizons" with the Cedar Lake contemporary ballet dance company, was recently previewed for a very selected group of insiders in New York city. The official premiere at the Joyce theater in Chelsea, is scheduled for May7th to 12th, 2013 and we were more than happy to be assigned to design original costumes exclusively for this exciting project. Giving more than just a CONQUISTADOR authentic style aspect to the process, each costume became the extension for the style and personality of each dancer. The final costumes are some of our most complicated technically and visually daring yet, while they play an interesting game of collisions between the ultimate "frenemies". Stretch polyamide is appliqued with gentle tulle flock polka dots , new designed details and cuts are introduced, a pick-a-boo of proportions and handmade grecian draping, all ble...